Arterial Protect (護心寶)-【維康健康產品有限公司】


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Arterial Protect  (護心寶)

Arterial Protect (護心寶)

852-919 35 106


Arterial Protect  (護心寶)

30 粒(素食膠囊) Life Extension

美國製造 價格: HK$345.-

(凡購買滿任何產品共3瓶享有95, 任何產品共10瓶享有9折優惠, 如有任何查詢,請致電本公司 2687-4788, whatsapp 919 35 106)


(1) Pycnogenol (法國松樹皮, 碧蘿芷精華) – 100mg

在臨床測試中,已証實Pycnogenol (法國松樹皮)能有助改善內皮血管壁功能﹑動脈內的血流量降低氧化壓力(oxidative stress)﹑調節炎症反應及抑制血小板積聚。

(2) Gotu Kola (積雪草葉,亦名雷公根)- 257mg

科學家在一組自願者使用Gotu Kola (積雪草葉)精華在一個雙盲(正品和安慰劑) 進行測試,發現它能促進受傷血管內皮薄膜的膠原蛋白之生成,從而促進斑塊之穩定性,使斑塊不容易在血管壁內脫落。

建議服用量 : 每天1次,每次1

literature review 文獻資料 :

-Int Angiol. 2014 Feb;33(1):20-6.

-Int Angiol. 2015 Feb;34(1):43-52.

-Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2002 Apr;40(4):158-68.

-Angiology. 2001 Oct;52 Suppl 2:S69-73.

Angiology. 2001 Oct;52 Suppl 2:S19-25.

-Harvard Health Publications (Harvard Medical School)

-Dr. Ford Brewer (Dr. Brewer has 20 years of experience developing health care solutions for many government agencies and private sector employers in US, examples include Bethlehem Steel, Goldman – Sachs, Mercury Marine, GE, NASA and others.)



"This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.
此產品沒有根據 《藥劑業及毒藥條例》或《中醫藥條例》註冊。 為此產品作出的任何聲稱亦沒有為進行該等註冊而接受評核。 此產品並不供作診斷、治療或預防任何疾病之用。 "

All products are not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such Registration. The products listed in this web site are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. For any question, please consult your healthcare professionals.

本網站內所有的產品沒有根據 «藥劑業及毒藥條例» 或«中醫條例» 註冊, 和作出任何聲明 (聲稱),亦沒有為此該等註冊而接受評核。 本網站內所顯示的內容及產品並不會供作診斷﹑治療或預防任何疾病之用。 如有任何問題,請諮詢專業醫護人員。