

首頁 >在寒冷和流感季節,怎樣預防感冒或流感





3.低維生素D會增加患感冒或流感的風險。如果您患有感冒或類似流感的症狀,並且沒有經常服用維生素D,或者您知道自己的水平較低,則每天服用50,000 IU,連續3天治療急性感染。



1. Four nutrients known to offer powerful protection during cold and flu season are vitamins C and D, zinc and bet glucans. These can also be used acutely if you feel like you’re coming down with a cold or flu.
2. Research supports the use of Vitamin C during a common cold to reduce the duration of symptoms. Try taking 3 to 4 grams of liposomal vitamin C every hour until you feel better.
3. Low vitamin D increase your risk of contracting a cold or flu.  If you are coming down with cold or flu-like symptoms and have not been taking vitamin D regularly, or you know you have low levels, take 50,000 IUs a day for three days to treat the acute infection.
4. A third nutrient deficiency associated with increased risk for cold and flu is zinc.  Zinc may also reduce the duration and severity of your cold if taken at the first signs of infection.
5. Beta-glucans found in mushrooms enhance NK cell activity and function, and research shows that if you have enough NK cells in your system, you will not contract influenza.


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